
Listen to a little

"Lasso Way" life advice!

FZE Self-Care November

Attitude of Gratitude Choice Board

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Give Thanks Hand Lettering
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Make sure you turn in the Self-Care Bingo card to the library!

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Something troubling you? Try out a 60 second meditation to help you relax.

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Numerous studies have shown music can have a positive effect on your mood and help alleviate stress. Experiment with genres of music and find what works for you. What you enjoy while you are driving may not be the kind of music you want to listen to when you are studying. Try out ambient music or nature sounds.

There are hours and hours of ambient music available on YouTube.

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Nature can be your best friend when you are thinking about self-care! Go out for a short walk and see how your mood improves. Have more time? Get out to a state park and take a hike to reconnect with yourself and the world. Check out the Missouri State Parks website for information on nearby trails.

Try out this yoga class to relieve stress and anxiety.

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Need help managing your mental health?

Check out these tips from NAMI.

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Quarantine Activity Yoga

What do you like most about yourself?

Create a word cloud about your strengths. Change it to a shape that represents you.

Setting boundaries is a healthy part of self-care. Watch this video about how teens set boundaries in their lives.

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Taking time for brain breaks is a healthy way to cope with everyday stressors and can help you be more productive in the long run! Try out a digital puzzle or art activity from Google Arts and Culture.

Listening to a podcast can be a great way to learn about topics you are interested in, laugh, and just indulge your curiosity. There is a podcast about literally almost anything! Plus, you can listen while you are driving, exercising, or doing chores. Here are a few suggestions related to issues you may relate to.

She Persisted: Your Teen Mental Health Resource

Teen Connect

Ted Talks Daily

Podcast. Badge
'Love' Wordcloud Heart Graphic

Practice digital etiquette when making your gratitude snap! This is a collaborative board. Respect the work of others. Only edit your own!

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Create a Gratitude Snap on Canva!

Watch this video meditation to help calm racing thoughts.

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Can you do nothing for TWO whole minutes? Resting is so important! Watch one of the two minute relaxation videos below and do absolutely nothing! See how you feel afterwards.

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